Share Economy: Does this ride end?

4 min read By Pragti Rathore, Chief Editor A few years ago, circa 2012, sharing economy was an up-and-coming field and economists and other theorists left, right and centre regarded it with one basic question: is it just a fad or is it here to stay? A few years later, those questions have faded away, as [...]

Perceiving Consumption: The Sharing Economy and the Subconscious

4 MIN READ. Would you like to share? Sharing is caring after all. By Aarti, Deputy Editor I came across two relatives. Where one advised me, that settling down means driving in one's own vehicle, living in one's own house; the other, was of the opinion, that why purchase a car (and insurance, fuel expenses, [...]

Access, simplified.

3 MIN READ. An introduction to Share Economy. By Ahalya Rajesh, Chief Editor “Ask the man who owns one” said Packard’s print advertisement in 1925. I wonder, would such a tagline be effective today? For a company selling a car in the 1920s, and even in the 2000s, their primary motive was to make the [...]