Economy, Power and Politics

( By Rama Vivek Gulavani, Junior Editor ) The year was 1919, when the Palace of Versailles stood on the outskirts of Paris, waiting to create global history. The marble walls of the hall of mirrors had the presence of 27 delegations representing 32 powers. The four representatives of the principal allied powers—France, the USA, [...]

Found in translation: Languages and Regional Development

By Medha Arora, Deputy Editor We’ve read and learnt about the impact of geographical barriers on the economic development of countries, islands and regions, whether it’s the cost of being landlocked, or an asset to be seaside. When it comes to the economics of it, barring the benefit to national security, natural geographical borders like [...]

It’s a grave situation

By Ashmita Chowdhury, Deputy Editor Last year, the world witnessed a dramatic interference in funerary rituals across religions. Be it the overburdening of the ritual sites, state-imposed restrictions, or the misconceptions surrounding the “disposal of an infected body”, most had to surrender to fatigued and fragmented rituals. And with this crisis, resurfaced the conversation around [...]

Open Borders: A Prosperous Migration Reform

By Riya Kalia, Deputy Editor Borders are widely considered to be a complex social phenomena related to the rudimentary organization of society. Along with their geographic significance, they are also economic and political in nature. Borders characterize a lot of economic activities—from trade to immigration—and are also contributing factors to feelings of increased nationalism and [...]