The Economic Impact of COVID-19 on the Indian Middle Class: An overlooked segment of our population

By Srishti Menon, Deputy Editor SOURCE A 2021 report by The Pew Research Centre, an American think tank based in Washington, D.C states: “The poor live on $2 or less daily, low income on $2.01 to $10, middle income on $10.01 to $20, upper middle income on $20.01 to $50 and high income on more [...]

Under Aegis of Lockdown, Labour is Being Shown its Place

Article by Dr. Amit Bhaduri Dr. Amit Bhaduri is former Professor Emeritus, JNU. He has written 6 books and written over 60 papers on various topics in the field of Economics which have been published in standard international journals. This article first appeared in the print edition on July 7, 2020 under the title “The [...]

Crude Catastrophes: Understanding the dip in oil prices

By Mita Chaturvedi, Deputy Editor The coronavirus pandemic has paved the way for 2020 to be a year like no other— from a multitude of countries going into complete lockdown to stock market trading halting in many places, the world has seen a number of unprecedented occurrences. However, none of these have been as bizarre [...]

Game Theory and Pandemics

By Sakshi Dhawan and Kritika Chakrabarti Game Theory Microeconomics is the study of the behaviour of individuals and firms, as well as their interactions with one another. In some ways, it is concerned with a maximisation of individual and firms’ payoffs. Certain foundations of microeconomics depend on a fundamental assumption when determining the payoffs between [...]

The Fall of Airlines; Not Literally

By Akshar Katariya, Ashoka University The domestic aviation industry, although soaring heights, is bound to suffer a downfall. The reasons for this potential decline lie in the impracticalities of medium and short-haul routes. This decline could further be accelerated by modes which can operate at speed to that equivalent to airlines. Naturally, the expected change [...]

The Corona Pandemic: Breeding Ground for Eco-fascism?

Article by Haritha K, Deputy Editor & Bharati J Krishnan, Junior Editor “It may seem like a ridiculous idea but the only way to fight the plague is with decency.”  – Dr Rieux in Albert Camus’s 1947 novel, The Plague. We live in strange times. The drastic but necessary measures taken to curb the spread [...]

Health, Hysteria, and Hoaxes: How a Global Pandemic brought about an Epidemic of Scams

By Mita Chaturvedi and Aarti Max Sloves, a native of Los Angeles, is an employment lawyer who wanted to visit his mother, Peggy, a woman with Alzheimer’s disease on her 84th  birthday at the end of March. In spite of her not being able to respond to video calling, Mr. Sloves did not want to [...]

Cognitive Biases in the times of a Pandemic

By Kritika Chakrabarti, Junior Editor. The outbreak and exponential growth of the novel coronavirus or covid-19 has not only compelled us to limit ourselves to the confinements of our respective homes but also kindled an urgent need for more and more information on this new and unknown monster engulfing more of us everyday. While most [...]

What Makes the Coronavirus a Catastrophe: Strategies, the Nash, and Beyond

By Riya Mathur, Shri Ram College of Commerce How much does Economics need to be about numerical estimates and overwhelming statistics and heavy scientific gibberish? If something like the Coronavirus affects national indicators just as much as it affects the everyday lives and mindsets of people, certainly there would be instances where the subject could [...]